






6.teacher 是什么意思



       teacher A teacher is a person who teaches, usually as a job at a school or similar institution.

        n. 教师,教员,老师,先生; [航]教练机 pl. teachers

       1. teacher-coordinator

       n. 协调(教学与企业训练的)教师

       2. teacher-counsel(l)ors

       n. 教师兼辅导员

       3. teacher-federation

       n. 教师联合会

       4. teacher-librarian

       n. 图书管理员兼教师

       5. teacher-mother

       n. [美](在自已家里照看别人孩子的)保姆

       6. teacherery

       adj. 似教师的, 教师模样的

       7. teacherless [?ti:tl?s]

       adj. 无教师的

       8. teachership [?ti:tp]

       n. 师资


        be one's own teacher


       2. Like teacher, like pupil.



       accredited teacher


       2. apprentice teacher


       3. assistant teacher


       4. beginning teacher


       5. boarding-school teacher


       6. cadet teacher


       7. careers teacher


       8. certificated teacher


       9. circuit teacher


       10. class teacher


       11. consultant teacher


       12. cooperating teacher


       13. cultural liaison teacher

       生活辅导教师(负责家庭联络和课外活动), 辅导员

       14. departmental teacher


       15. elementary teacher


       16. emergency teachers

       [美]代用教师, 代课教师

       17. examining teacher


       18. example teacher


       19. form teacher


       20. full-time teacher


       21. grade teacher


       22. graduate teacher


       23. helping teacher


       24. in-service teacher


       25. itinerant teacher


       26. Jeanes teacher


       27. journeyman teacher

       试用教师, 临时教师

       28. lady teacher


       29. language teacher


       30. lay teacher


       31. main teacher

       主任教师, 班主任

       32. man teacher


       33. master teacher


       34. model teacher


       35. novice teacher


       36. nursery trained teacher


       37. partnership teachers


       38. part-time teacher


       39. peripatetic teacher


       40. practice teacher

       实习教员, 教学实习生

       41. private teacher

       私人教师, 家庭教师

       42. probationary teacher


       43. prominent teacher

       优秀教师; 优秀教练员

       44. prospective teacher


       45. provisionally certificated teacher


       46. pupil teacher

       小先生; (小学)见习教师

       47. qualified teacher


       48. regular teacher


       49. science teacher


       50. secular teacher

       世俗教师, 非宗教教师

       51. senior teacher


       52. seperate teacher


       53. special teacher


       54. student teacher

       [英]实习教师; 实习生

       55. subject teacher


       56. substitute teacher


       57. supervising teacher


       58. supplementary teacher


       59. supply teacher


       60. television teacher


       61. travel(l)ing teacher


       62. uncertificated teacher

       未检定教师; [英]同等学历教师

       63. unqualified teacher


       64. visiting teacher

       访问教员; 登门为病残学生上课的教师

       65. working teacher


       1. At first the boy had not seemed much interested in what the teacher was saying, but when the teacher called him, he began to sit up.



       2. "Say after me."the teacher said.



       3. A good teacher can encourage artistic creativity.



       4. A good teacher imparts wisdom to his pupils.



       5. A good teacher must understand children.



       6. A good teacher should be able to infect his students with his own keenness for his subject.



       7. A good teacher should implant high ideals in children.



       8. A language teacher should initiate pupils into the elements of grammar.



       9. A more experienced teacher was sent in to restore order to the class.



       10. A school master is a male teacher.



       11. A teacher must not discriminate between pupils.



       12. A teacher should be good at drawing inferences about other cases from one instance.



       13. A teacher should try to breathe new life into his subject.



       14. A teacher's aim is to impart knowledge.



       15. A teacher's business is to help children learn.



       16. A teacher's work is often compared to a candle.



       17. A wise teacher never shows favouritism.



       18. A word from the teacher will have a great effect on my son.



       19. After a little while,the English teacher turned off an epigram.



       20. After the exams, the teacher gave all borderline cases a spoken test.







       固定搭配:The teacher's pet老师的宠物。

       the teacher's desk讲桌。

       Teacher's Pet酷狗上学记 ; 老师的宠儿 ; 禁忌师生恋 ; 得意门生。


       1、There are many books on my?teacher's?desk.


       2、The?teacher's?face was purple with rage because one student cheated in the exam.


       3、There is a?teacher's?desk and a blackboard.










       英语教师的英文是:English teacher。


       n. 教师;导师

       n. (Teacher)人名;(英)蒂彻


       head teacher?高级教师 ; 班主任 ; 高级西席

       Great Teacher Onizuka?麻辣教师GTO ; 麻辣教师 ; GTO麻辣教师 ; 伟大的老师鬼冢

       probation teacher?代课教师 ; 代课西席 ; 代课教员 ; 代课


















       单词"Teacher"有两个音节,分别是"teach"和"er"。第一个音节"teach"包含一个元音音素 /i:/,第二个音节"er"则包含一个元音音素/?/和一个辅音音素/r/。






teacher 是什么意思



       The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.


       Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom.


       Such learning methods encourage too great a reliance upon the teacher.


        从定义上来看,teacher 是指一位教师或教育者。教师不仅是课堂上的知识传授者,更是学生的引导者、辅导员和榜样。他们用自己的言传身教来启迪学生的智慧,引导彼此成长。无论是大学教授,还是小学老师,他们都是教育事业的中坚力量。

       Teacher 的职责不仅仅是教书育人,他们还扮演着非常关键的社会角色。教师是培养下一代有用的公民、道德人物、和社会领袖的重要纽带。除此之外,他们也需要在家长和学生之间扮演调解人的角色,同时还要与政府、校内相关部门建立紧密的联系。教育事业的成功与否,直接关系到国家的未来。

       虽然教育领域的发展总是会经历许多挑战,但是作为职业教育者,teacher 依然坚守着他们的职业道德和操守。他们展示着高度的专业素养,以及奉献精神和为人师表的自豪感。他们以他们的热情和努力来振兴学校,培育出未来的杰出人才。作为社会的中流砥柱,教师们在社会和国家发展中都具有着不可或缺的地位。
