







       skip英语这样读:英 [sk?p],美 [sk?p]。



       skip beat 华丽的挑战 ; 下一站巨星 ; 下一站天后 ; 王牌经纪人。

       Skip index 跳齿分度。

       skip bucket 翻斗 ; 翻转式吊桶 ; 箕斗。


       1、If you already know how to do this, you can skip this part。


       2、If you already have an application in which you have to integrate charts, then you can skip this part and go directly to the next part, which explains the integration of charts with the application。


       3、If so, skip to the next iteration of the loop。








       英 [sk?p] 美 [sk?p]?





       第三人称单数: skips现在分词: skipping过去式: skipped过去分词: skipped


       英 [d?mp] 美 [d?mp]?





       第三人称单数: jumps现在分词: jumping过去式: jumped过去分词: jumped


       英 [sk?p] 美 [sk?p]

       vi. 跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移

       vt. 略过;跳过;漏过;不做(应做的事等)

       n. 跳,蹦跳;废料桶(装工地废料,由卡车拖走);跳跃

       网 络

       跳跃; 跳过; 蹦跳; 跳读 过去式:skipped 过去分词:skipped 现在分词:skipping 第三人称单数:skips


       CET6 考研 TOEFL IELTS

       柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典

       1. VERB 动词跳跃;蹦跳 If you skip along, you move almost as if you are dancing, with a series of little jumps from one foot to the other. 语法信息:V adv/prep

       语法信息:VThey saw the man with a little girl skipping along behind him...


       We went skipping down the street arm in arm...


       She was skipping to keep up with him.


       Skip is also a noun.

       The boxer gave a little skip as he came out of his corner.


       2. VERB 动词跳绳 When someone skips, they jump up and down over a rope which they or two other people are holding at each end and turning round and round. In American English, you say that someone skips rope . 语法信息:V

       语法信息:V n

       语域标签:mainly BRIT 主英Outside, children were skipping and singing a rhyme...


       They skip rope and play catch, waiting for the bell.



       Skipping is one of the most enjoyable aerobic activities.


       3. VERB 动词不做,不参加(常做或大多人都做的事) If you skip something that you usually do or something that most people do, you decide not to do it. 语法信息:V nIt is important not to skip meals...


       Her daughter started skipping school.


       "Skip" 在中文中可以翻译为"跳过"或"忽略"。


       跳过:当我们使用 "skip" 时,通常表示跳过或略过某个步骤、活动或内容,不进行或不参与其中。例如:

       "Please skip the first exercise and move on to the next one."(请跳过第一个练习,进行下一个。)

       "I'm not interested in that topic, so I'll skip the meeting."(我对那个话题不感兴趣,所以我会跳过这次会议。)

       忽略:在某些情况下,"skip" 可以表示忽略或不考虑某个事物或要素。例如:

       "You can skip the introduction and go straight to the main points."(你可以忽略介绍,直接看重点。)

       "Let's skip the details for now and focus on the big picture."(暂时不要考虑细节,抓住整体情况。)

       需要注意的是,"skip" 的具体翻译取决于上下文和语境,有时还需要根据具体情况进行调整。以上提供的翻译是最常见的用法,但在具体使用时,建议根据语境选择最合适的译词。
